The evolution of SEO: 5 outdated and ineffective SEO techniques you no longer need

As with all marketing techniques, SEO is a constantly changing method of digital marketing. Of course, there are some long-standing methods which have proven to be effective, but it’s also important to stay up to date with which techniques are no longer worthwhile. Here are 8 outdated methods that are not helping your overall organic…


Workflows – take your marketing to the next level

We need to talk about workflows… While many marketers are fully aware of the benefit that workflows and automation can bring to a marketing strategy, too many companies feel that they don’t have the technical know-how to implement them properly. Guess what, we’re here to tell you otherwise, not only are workflows far less complex…


What are Google UTM values & how can you use them?

For some time now marketers have struggled with seeing which of their marketing campaigns are not only generating the most leads but bringing in the right kind of leads. With Google UTM values, this problem is a thing of the past. Using UTM values, you can create a straightforward way of understanding which marketing campaigns…


What are Google UTM values & how can you use them?

For some time now marketers have struggled with seeing which of their marketing campaigns are not only generating the most leads but bringing in the right kind of leads. With Google UTM values, this problem is a thing of the past. Using UTM values, you can create a straightforward way of understanding which marketing campaigns…


12 Email Mistakes You Need to Stop Making

Emails are extremely important in the marketing strategy. Everyone can agree on that. They generate a huge proportion of leads, with the potential to generate unparalleled ROI. You can communicate with a wide audience, at a highly targeted level. But getting it wrong can dismiss a wave of potential customers before they’ve even considered what…
