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Website Visitor Identification Software

Our website visitor identification software doesn’t just tell you the companies on your website. It tells you the individuals from those companies too.

What is website visitor identification?

Web visitor or lead identification shows you the businesses visiting your website. We then take it one step further. We’ll show you the employees from the companies on your website. Get in touch with the right people, right away.

Why you need IP identification software

Do you want to identify leads and increase your sales pipeline? We thought so. Discover who your anonymous website visitors are with IP lookup. Find already warm website leads and make the most of your website to see a genuine ROI.

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How anonymous visitor identification works

Everyone on the internet has an IP address (like a postcode) which identifies them. We use IP identification to tell you who is on your website. Then we find out who their employees are so you can contact the right individuals.

Using anonymous visitor identification in your pipeline

IP lookup software doesn’t require any effort on your part. Simply log in to the platform to see who is on your website every day and what their contact details are. How much simpler could your sales pipeline get?

Include visitor tracking in your B2B marketing

If you know who is on your website, you’ll have a better idea of how to market to them too. From job title to industry, discover who your marketing is attracting to your website. Then tailor your communications accordingly. It couldn’t be easier.

Why use CommuniGator’s visitor tracking software?

Simple. Our identification software is the best. Get the most up to date, detailed data about your website leads that’s out there. Use our private database with millions of accounts to identify who is visiting your website and who you need to get in contact with.