We’ve come a long way since the days of simply packing blog posts with key words in order to make them SEO friendly. Today there is a strong correlation between producing content that inspires, engages and is genuinely useful and achieving better results in terms of SEO. So, if you’re keen to produce SEO-friendly blog posts then the best way to do this is via a mix of writing approach and structural SEO tips.
Aim for an optimal length
It’s true that Google favours longer articles but if you’re drowning people in words then the point of your blogs can be easily lost. Aim for somewhere between 300 and 700 words for each post in order to balance readability with pleasing Google.
Don’t overuse search terms
It’s usually a good idea to aim for keywords that make up between 1% and 2% of your total blog post. So, for a 500 word article that would be repetition of between 5 and 10 times.
Plan your content in advance
Even if you’re an amazing writer, there needs to be a point to what you’re producing. Creating a content schedule is essential for blog posts and can ensure that they are extra SEO friendly by making them relevant. Plan your posts to coincide with trends, themes, events or topics that will be relevant at the time that you’re posting.
Don’t underestimate the value of structure
It’s as difficult to read unstructured writing as it is to write it. Instead of just starting a blog and hoping you end up with something effective, work to a structure each time. You might have a short paragraph that introduces the topic or problem, the main body of the text that explores it and then a conclusion that sums up.
Be careful with paragraphs
Yes, text is much more digestible if you break it down into paragraphs. However, you can also seriously disrupt the flow of a blog if you don’t use paragraphs with any logic. Opt for a new paragraph every time you introduce a new idea or subject to the blog and make sure that you can summarise the purpose of each paragraph so that it’s clear why it is there.
The importance of headings
Headings have a dual purpose to serve in the context of a blog. They will not only break up the text and give the reader a logical way to digest it but also provide Google with markers too. Headings enable search engines to grasp the content of a longer blog – make sure you use some of your keywords in both headings and subheadings for extra SEO impact.
Linking back to other posts
There are two benefits to linking back to other posts you’ve written on a topic. Firstly, you’ll demonstrate a degree of authority on the subject. And secondly, your link structure is also key for Google ranking. Plus, the more you encourage visitors to explore your website the better.
There’s no magic formula to writing great SEO blog posts but if you’ve mastered the above then you’re already half way there.
Read more about creating your content strategy today here.