You want to close a sales deal as fast as possible, right? The problem is, it’s not your decision. In fact, closing your sales deal relies almost entirely on your prospect. That’s why we’re here to share with you the quickest ways to speed up the sales process. Are you ready to close a sales deal in 5 words?
“Your competition just bought one”
There is nothing like a bit of competition to force your prospect to act. Using this line will tell them that there is pressure to buy. Every minute they go without your product, they are losing money that is going straight to their competitors pocket. If they care about their business, they’ll be persuaded to act sooner rather than later.
“What do you like best?”
When a client seems unsure about your product, use this line so they focus on the positive aspects. You’re essentially prompting them to think about how the benefits of doing business with you. This is one of the best ways to help them overcome any objections in the sales process, as they do all the weighing up of pros and cons.
“What is making you hesitate?”
It is inevitable that you are going to come across a sales objection or two at some point during the buying process. Asking this question will get the objections out in the open, so you can solve them there and then. Once you’ve overcome those objections, your prospect will soon run out of reasons not to sign on the dotted line.
“How can I help you?”
What you mean is, “how can I persuade you?” but you don’t want to actually say that. You want them to know that you are prepared to go the extra mile to help them if it will make the buying process go smoother. This is a great line to get particularly tough prospects to open up to you.
“Why not try us out?”
Sometimes leads just aren’t going to believe a word that comes out of your mouth, so you need to put your money where your mouth is. Giving them the ability to try your product or service for themselves before buying is a good indication to them that you have faith in your product. Allowing them to put more faith in the buyer journey with you and one step closer to parting with their money.
“When shall we begin implementation?”
Yes, sometimes “assuming makes an ass out of you and me”. In this case, you’re using the line to help your client think of the deal as done. Only use it in situations when you know that the prospect wants to buy but is only hesitating on the idea of parting with their money. Once you’ve settled a time and date to implement the product, they will feel more comfortable parting with their money, knowing something is in place to show for it.
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