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Your Perfect Email Starts Here

At CommuniGator we know a thing or two when it comes to email marketing. We work with emails day in day out, whether it’s our very own or our budding customers.

From subject lines, spam filters, CTA to design and layout. There’s a lot that goes into one email campaign.

Make yours better with CommuniGator.

And then for the Finishing Touches…

CommuniGator is a data-driven marketing automation platform that connects you with your data. Putting you in control of your sales & marketing.

Want to generate more leads? We want to work with you. We work with B2B Marketing professionals day in day out to maximise their pipeline and increase their results.

Find out how our software would work for you.

Book A Free Demo

Drag. Drop. Done.

Create beautiful emails in 1,2,3. Or pick from our ‘here’s one I made earlier’ pot. 

Artificial Intelligence

Predict your CTR and optimise your email campaigns before you send. Identify your non-engagers and your converters to target and segment your data. Our seamless integration with Artificial Intelligence allows you to be a smarter marketer.


Are you misunderstood? Your content is the foundation to your business. If it’s difficult to understand and complicated, your readers will assume your business works in a similar way. Make sure all your articles are written perfectly for your audience.

The Great British Split Test

Stale marketing produces stale leads. Mix up your marketing and gain a deeper understanding of your leads behaviour and interests. Be it subject lines, email design, sender alias or time based sending, get involved in the biggest email marketing experiment.


The first hurdle to a successful marketing campaign is getting into the right inboxes. Surpass the spam filters and get your emails where they need to be.

Take a look at our resources on all things Digital Marketing