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Email Deliverability

SendForensics: Your New Inbox Placement and Email Deliverability tool.

What is SendForensics?

Our email deliverability plugin which measures how your content and send domain could be affecting your email deliverability rate. Put simply, it’s a measure on your email’s ability to make it to the inbox. SendForensics bases its report on how global spam filtering systems, ISPs and human recipients interpret your email content.

An easy to use email deliverability tool

Gain insight into what could be affecting your inbox placement & email campaigns with deliverability metrics that are easy to digest. Analyse your campaign as a whole and see whether your content or your send domain are working against you. Discover suggested optimisations to beat the spam filters and increase your deliverability.

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Automated analysis of your email deliverability

Our powerful automated plugin scans the vocabulary used in your email campaigns to give you a crystal clear content analysis. Flagging potential words that email spam filters will not like, as well as providing recommended alternatives, SendForensics is an essential email deliverability checker.

Email deliverability software that offers you:

  • Real time deliverability scoring against current spam filter environments
  • Comparisons between the deliverability effects of multiple alternatives
  • A chance to avoid vocabulary with heavy spam-weighting
  • Compatible preferred words from a comprehensive system thesaurus.

An intuitive email deliverability checker

With the SendForensics plugin, you have an inbox placement monitoring tool that can keep an eye on your infrastructure for ISP quality and domain reputation. Prevent abuse to your email domain before any email leaves the system. It’s ISP reputation monitoring at its finest.

Your email deliverability solution 

Together, GatorMail and SendForensics anti-spam filtering offers you a way to improve the quality of your email campaigns. Now you can assess your potential email deliverability issues with content and infrastructure analysis in a view that makes sense to marketers!