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Week 8: Campaign Results Reporting
Your 12 Week Lead Generation Masterclass

When it comes to measuring your email marketing campaign, there are several reports that you can export. Naturally, email marketers have always gravitated towards open rates because these are typically the highest percentage rates and look good on your reporting.

However, we’re here to tell you that email open rates just don’t matter anymore.

Let us break it down for you:

• Open rates = show how successful your email was at getting in the right inbox, your subject line success and pre-header success.
• Click rates = also known as click-through rates show definitive engagement on all emails that were delivered
• Click-to-open rates = measures click-throughs on the amount of emails opened.

This is why we say click-to-open rates are your most important metric to report on. They are usually higher that your CTR and they aren’t skewed by reactions to timing, subject lines, “from” fields…etc. In fact, what click-to-opens really tell you is how successful the content within your email is, i.e. the message and the way it was written.


Think back to week 1 of this lead generation masterclass. What were you trying to achieve with this campaign? What were your benchmarks?

Remember, for each level you’re looking for different CTO rates:
• Intrigue – cold data industry standard is sub 1%
• Discover – lukewarm data industry standard is 5%
• Consider – warm data industry standard is 7%
• Decide – hot data industry standard is 11%

Some other key questions you might like consider as you report:

• How many emails were delivered – is it less than 85%? If so, this is something you should work on.
• How many people moved levels within your email campaign in the first week? Was the content valuable enough? Were the messages on point?
• As your campaign progresses, which email campaigns led to sales meetings booked? This, after all, is the end goal.

With this information in mind, download our reporting template that we use for our own lead generation marketing campaigns and fill it out for the first week. You’ll want to keep reporting on this until your email campaign has finished so you can see what is working and what you can change for the next campaign to improve your results further.